TATCHA グローバル カルチャー アンバサダーに就任

「タッチャ グローバル カルチャー アンバサダー」 にマドモアゼル・ユリアが就任

このたび「タッチャ」というサンフランシスコ発、日本オリジンの”HARMONY FROM SKIN TO SOUL” -「- 肌と、こころに、美しい和」を求める女性達に向けてつくられたスキンケアブランドの「グローバル カルチャー アンバサダー」に、マドモアゼル・ユリアが就任しました。

「タッチャ」北米ではその製品力が評価され、100以上ものコスメティックアワードを受賞しています。2021年 9月28日(火)より、日本での販売を開始致します。
日本の叡智と調和の心に深くインスパイアされたブランド、 「タッチャ」世界に誇る日本文化の忘れてはいけない大切なことを、
今の時代だからこそ、多くの人々に響く言葉でお伝えし、未来の 世代に伝えて ゆくことは、とても大事な事と考えています。

Mademoiselle Yulia becomes a global cultural ambassador for TATCHA

TATCHA, a skincare brand from Japan for women who seek "HARMONY FROM SKIN TO SOUL" - "beautiful harmony between skin and soul". Mademoiselle Yulia has been appointed as a Global Culture
"Tatcha" is a product that has won over 100 cosmetic awards in North America and will be launched in Japan on Tuesday, September 28, 2021.
Tatcha is a brand deeply influenced by the wisdom and harmony of Japan, and aims to bring to life the important aspects of Japanese culture that should not be forgotten.
We believe that it is very important to convey the important things of Japanese culture that should not be forgotten in words that will resonate with many people and pass them on to future generations.
Yulia, who is also a DJ and kimono stylist, places importance on transmitting Japanese culture to the world.
As the earth becomes smaller and smaller and more and more multinational, there are important things = culture that we don't want to forget.
We would like to deliver such message to as many people as possible through Yulia’s voice.
In the future, we will introduce Yulia's point of view and commitment to beauty through various brand events, social events, and stories as a new form of collaboration with TATCHA.